Student Support

Academic Support

We offer a variety of support for your educational needs.

About academic support services


Get the help you need to arrive at the right answers and master the material. Online support available.

About tutoring resources

Center for Student Advocacy

Support for students in raising grade point averages, preparing SAP Appeals for financial aid, and processing institutional complaints.

About student advocacy resources


Sometimes you just need someone to talk to about your life, your career, and your studies. Find the help you need here with an experienced staff and resources.

About counseling services

Disability Support

We’ll balance your needs and course requirements in an accommodations plan that gives you an equal opportunity for success.

About disability accommodations

Center for Collegiate Recovery

Support for students practicing or seeking recovery from substance use.

About services for those in recovery

Veterans Financial Services

If you’re a veteran/service member or a qualifying family member, our job is to be of service to you.

About Veterans Financial Services

STAR Program

Get support for basic needs – financial assistance, groceries/essential needs, and other resources.

About the STAR Program

PACTeducation Program

Financial support available for qualifying students enrolled in technical programs – textbooks and kits/tools, uniforms, transportation and certification exams.

About PACTeducation

Overcoming Barriers - TRiO Program

Special assistance provided for those who are low income, first generation, disabled or veterans.

About TRIO

African American Male Scholars Initiative

Increasing academic success with case management and personalized support services for participants.


Student Affairs

Advocating for student needs, promoting integrity and respect, and connecting students with essential resources.

Student Affairs resources